General Questions

Here are some commonly asked questions the planning department receives:

Q: Can I subdivide my property?

A: Probably not. Minimum lot sizes are determined by zoning district. To be eligible for subdivision, the lot would need to be at least two times the minimum lot size. This means in the R-16 zoning district, the minimum would be 32,000 square feet, in R-20 the minimum would be 40,000 square feet, and in R-30 the minimum would be 60,000 square feet. 

Q. My house doesn't conform to the code. Can I remodel it?

A: Yes. Medina encourages the preservation of existing residential housing stock by allowing limited alterations and expansion of existing nonconforming structures. For further information, visit Chapter 16.36 Nonconformity in the Unified Development Code. 

Q: Does Medina use Floor Area Ratio (FAR)?

A: No. Medina uses structural coverage.

Q: Can eaves protrude into the setbacks?

A: No. Setbacks are measured as the distance between the property line and the closest part of any part of the building or structure to the property line, including but not limited to architectural elements, roof eaves, gutters, and mechanical equipment.